Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hippie photo shoot

I took these pictures a while ago but I had to share them because I love how they look:)

This is my favorite! I love how her eyes look!


 For photo shoots layered clothing looks best. You want the outfit to be different but still cute!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Photo shoot {part 1}

 My grandma has the prettiest weeds by her house! So I decided I would take some pictures of Kathryn and Vivian by them! I love how the purple flowers look:)
After taking some pictures I realized I forgot to charge my camera... so the rest will be on a different day:)
 I love this picture of Kathryn!

Sometimes you just need to relax, breathe, let go, and just live in the moment.


* Free as a bird*

Chevron wall tutorial

A while ago my sister and I painted our bathroom with chevron stripes and I love how it looks!
It was pretty easy to do but took a long time!
  • Chalk
  • Ruler
  • Painters tape
  • Paint
  • Mini roller and tray

First you trace the square over and over until you have a grid. We used to ruler to make sure it stayed straight.

Then take the ruler and draw a diagonal line in each square connecting corner to corner.

Then tape it! We put the tape in the middle so we knew not where not to paint!


Paint it!!  Make sure to stay in the tape lines!
And here it is!! :) Peel of the tape when it is dry and then dust off the chalk!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The start of something new

My name is Mary, I love taking pictures, fashion and crafting. I have always wanted to get a blog to share all the things I like to do! 
I love stargazing. Something about it fascinates me.


    And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow
I have always wanted to go stargazing in the back of a truck! Just throw a ton of blankets in the back and how amazing it would be:)


♥  Mary